BOOKサーチ |

タイトル A Beginner's Guide to Japanese Fermentation(ア ビギナーズ ガイド トゥー ジャパニーズ ファーメンテイション)
著者名 Hiroko Shirasaki(ヒロコ シラサキ)
出版社名 チャールズ・イー・タトル出版
ジャンル 美容・暮らし・健康・料理
isbnコード 9784805317471
書籍のサイズ 単行本
発売日 2023年10月31日頃
販売価格 2,860
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This comprehensive do-it-yourself home fermentation guide centers on the amazing superfoods at the heart of the healthy Japanese diet. Author and fermentation expert Hiroko Shirasaki starts with easy preparations for shio koji, amazake, nukazuke and three types of miso. Then she shows you how to harness the probiotic power of these and other fermented ingredients in scores of delicious home-style recipes. The seasonal menus in this book contain over 95 recipes catering to a broad range of tastes: "Easy Nukazuke Pickles" (vegetables cured in a bed of fermented rice bran) offers a completely new way to unleash the power of pickling! "Amazake Fruit Yogurt" makes the perfect probiotic breakfast or snack "Shio Koji (a fermented rice-based marinade) Mushroom Soup" creates a super-nutritious and delightfully delicious twist on a favorite dish "Sea Bream and Clams Steamed in White Miso and Wine" pairs the briny sea with the natural umami of a homemade miso made with soybeans and rice "Root Vegetable Soup with Brown Rice Miso" offers a healthful twist on a classic comfort food And many more! 『白崎茶会の発酵定食』(マガジンハウス刊)英訳版 ・世界の人々から注目され続けている無形文化遺産「和食」に欠かせない発酵の知恵が満載! ・春夏・秋冬の献立26種類、約100品のレシピを掲載
