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タイトル 【POD】FRAUDULENT FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING IN JAPAN(フロージュレントファイナンシャルアカウンティングインジャパン)
著者名 Suematsu Yoshiaki(スエマツヨシアキ)
出版社名 Yujin-sha Co. Ltd.
ジャンル ビジネス・経済・就職
isbnコード 9784946447488
発売日 2020年03月17日頃
販売価格 3,740
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The final objective of this book is to consider the reasons for the many illegal acts of window dressing that are perpetrated, to search for the reasons and mechanisms of window dressing from the previous research in both Japan and the US with regard to its definition, and to propose policies to curb the incidence of window dressing.This book is laden with the promise of contributing to society and is based the conviction that controlling the incidence of window dressing will foster sound development of companies in Japan and restore stability to the social and economic order in Japan, which has been in a state of turmoil.
